Project Description

The objective of the research project is to develop a methodological approach to retrieve ground motion prediction models, based on the integration between recorded and synthetic data. In this framework, we will test this methodology for the study case of Southern Italy, focusing our attention on Calabria and Sicily regions.

The choice of these areas is related to their high hazard level and, on the other side, to the lacking of empirical data needed to fully capture the peculiarities of the ground motion. Moreover, along the Sicily coast many critical infrastructures are present, such as chemical plants and large ports, which strongly increase the risk of technological accidents induced by natural hazards.

The products of the project are a set of new candidate Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) for PGA, PGV and SA in the period range T=0.04-4s. Additional products include recorded and synthetic ground motion datasets. The project products can be incorporated in a next generation of the MPS (Italian acronym for National Seismic Hazard Maps).

The project will be coordinate by PhD Giovanni Lanzano. The work can be divided in four working tasks. A task leader has been appointed, with the role of coordinator of each working group activities.

Project Proposal (PDF)